Известняк состоит в основном из карбоната кальция., относящийся к породе средней твердости, It can be crushed with a зубодробилка, мордоворот & ударная дробилка, or use a молотковая дробилка to break once time, нет необходимости в двух дробящих формах.

Limestone Crushing Plant Process
The limestone crushing plant process mainly includes material feeder, дробилка, просеивающая машина, ленточные конвейеры, и т.д.
Material feeding system: vibration feeder is often used in the industry, it will be in the raw material hopper stone evenly and continuously into the primary, the whole process performance is stable and reliable.
Crushing system: It can be divided into coarse crushing and medium and fine crushing operations. Jaw crushing is the primary crushing machine.
Screening system: after crushing and sand-making, the stone needs to be screened. It can effectively control the size of finished stones and screen out the sand and stone needed by different industries.
Conveyor system: belt conveyor almost runs through the whole crushing plant, responsible for conveying materials in each process, is essential supporting equipment in limestone crushing plant.

Solution of Limestone Crushing Plant
Limestone crushing plant is a common stone production line in the sand industry. The commonly used crushing processing machine includes jaw crusher, ударная дробилка, heavy hammer c, rusher and mobile stone crusher. In actual operations, the limestone crushing plant can be roughly divided into the following configuration schemes:
Solution 1: вибрационный питатель, зубодробилка, мордоворот, ударная дробилка, вибрирующий экран, ленточный конвейер.

Зубодробилка, мордоворот

Ударная дробилка
Solution 2: вибрационный питатель, heavy hammer crusher, вибрирующий экран, ленточный конвейер.

Тяжелая молотковая дробилка
Solution 3: мобильная щековая дробилка & мобильная роторная дробилка.

Mobile Jaw Crushing Plant

Mobile Impact Crushing Plant
Cases of Limestone Crushing Plant
- Вместимость: 100t /h
- Размер подачи: ≤600mm
- Обработка материалов: лайм, известняк
- Reviews: большая мощность обработки, плавная работа
- Limestone crushing plant configuration: raw material hopper, GZD850*300 vibrating feeders, PCZ1308 heavy hammer crusher, B800*22 meters conveyor, 2YK1854 vibrating screen, B650*24 belt conveyor, 3 sets B500*10 meters conveyors.