Planta semiautomática de argamassa seca
O semiautomático planta de argamassa de mistura seca é chamado de linha de produção de argamassa de mistura seca padrão. Adota a dosagem manual, alimentação manual, alimentação automática, agitação automática, descarga automática e embalagem automática. Como a dosagem manual e a alimentação manual são necessárias no estágio inicial, é chamado de planta semiautomática de argamassa seca.
A planta de argamassa seca totalmente automática
A planta de argamassa de mistura seca totalmente automática resolve completamente o problema de dosagem e alimentação manual e realiza totalmente a operação automática. Reduziu drasticamente os custos e aumentou os lucros, reduzindo os custos da força de trabalho. and it adopts the form of a continuous system or multi-line system according to the requirement for production capacity and product variety. An automatic control system can precisely control all processes from mixing to packing; it can automatically monitor each step via a PLC controller, dramatically reducing labour intensity, improving working efficiency and saving costs.
The main difference between semi-automated and automatic dry mix mortar plant.
A planta de argamassa de mistura seca totalmente automática resolve completamente o problema de dosagem e alimentação manual e realiza totalmente a operação automática. It has more advantages than semi-automatic dry mix mortar plants in terms of its processing cycle, quality control, etc. The main difference between an automatic dry mix mortar plant and a semi-automatic dry mix mortar plant is as follows:
Semi-automatic dry mix mortar production line:
- The whole set of equipment adopts manual batching and feeding;
- An automatic feeding system needs to be installed;
Planta de argamassa de mistura seca totalmente automática:
- A fully automatic dry mix mortar plant is a fully automated mix mortar production line. It can achieve automatic operation without any manual operation after setting up all the equipment according to specifications.
The price of full automatic dry mortar plant & semi automatic dry mix mortar plant.
The price of the fully automatic dry mix mortar production line will also be higher.
The full automatic planta de argamassa seca seems to have one more automatic batching device than the semi-auto one, but the price is doubled.
Why is the price of a full automatic dry mix mortar plant so much higher?
- The main reason is that there are many of supporting equipment for the automatic batching system.
- The automatic batching system needs to have raw material tanks. Geralmente, 2-3 raw material silos are used. Each tank needs to be equipped with a screw conveyor, and all the batching scales are measured by sensors.
- The cost of the automatic batching control system is also high. The automatic batching control system used by Furein machinery can input 6 different formulas and carry out ingredients according to different formulas to meet the needs of users who produce a variety of dry mortars.
Portanto, if the initial budget is insufficient to save costs, you can first consider installing a semi-auto dry mortar mix plant. At the beginning of the installation, our engineers will help you design the reserved position for the automatic batching system. No futuro, when the output requirements are large, If the degree of automation is high, it can be upgraded to a fully automatic putty powder production line.
Para concluir
The automatic mortar production line is the semi-automatic dry mix mortar plant with the functions of automatic feeding, automatic stirring and automatic discharging. It completely solves the problem of manual batching and feeding and fully realizes automatic operation.
The main difference between these two types of mortar production lines is that the semi-automatic dry mix mortar plant requires manual batching and feeding in the early stages. Em contraste, a planta de argamassa seca totalmente automática não requer operações manuais.
A planta de argamassa de mistura seca automática é uma versão atualizada da semiautomática. A máquina de argamassa de mistura seca semiautomática pode ser convertida em uma planta de argamassa de mistura seca totalmente automática, adicionando um sistema de dosagem automático.