We are pleased to inform you that a set of silo de cimento is about to be sent to the United States. This time, a total of 3 40-foot containers are used to arrive at the United States port by sea.
These cement silos are made of high-quality steel and have been treated with a special paint that prevents corrosion. The cement silo is painted with light blue color, which can make it look more beautiful.
This is a bolted cement silo. It can store more than one type of cement powder, and it can reduce transportation costs because it does not need too much space like other types of cement storage facilities.

Se você é um importador, seu silo de cimento chegará aos Estados Unidos após ser enviado por via marítima da China. Antes do envio, você deve se preparar para o desembaraço aduaneiro, documentos de exportação, e assim por diante. Depois de assinar um contrato com uma empresa de logística na América, we will arrange customs clearance with the US Customs according to your request and then deliver cargo to the consignee according to their requirements.
Próximo, you'll need to order the goods from the cement silo supplier and ask for the export documents. Make sure they are in English.
Then ask your cement silo supplier to deliver the silo to the shipping company's port warehouse.
The BL is a document that describes the cargo and its destination. O remetente e o destinatário assinarão este contrato após o recebimento da mercadoria, o que significa que eles aceitam as mercadorias conforme descrito neste documento.
Você pode rastrear sua remessa pela Internet até que ela chegue com segurança.