बेल्ट बाल्टी लिफ्ट

  • Belt bucket elevator, generally we say TD series elevator, the product model is named by the width of the hopper.
  • Belt bucket elevator is very suitable for vertical transportation of light materials such as food and chemical industry.
  • TD series belt bucket elevator has the characteristics of simple structure, शांत संचालन, उच्च दक्षता, कम शोर, and low cost.
  • Use centrifugal gravity unloading material, transport material temperature does not exceed 60℃.
  • The advanced design principle and processing method make the belt bucket elevator operation stable and reliable.
एक त्वरित उद्धरण प्राप्त करें
belt Bucket-elevator

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Belt Bucket Elevator Working Principle

The belt type bucket elevator is an inflow feeding system. The material flows into the hopper and is lifted to the top by the belt and discharged under the action of material gravity.

belt bucket elevator
belt bucket elevator

TD Belt Bucket Elevator Transmission Device

TD belt bucket elevator transmission device has two forms, respectively equipped with YZ reducer or ZQ reducer.

YZ type shaft reducer is directly installed on the spindle head, without transmission platform, coupling, आदि।, सघन संरचना, लाइटवेट.

Belt Bucket Elevator Manufacturer

We are the belt bucket elevator manufacturer, can provide you a customized solution for belt type bucket elevator according to your needs, before giving you a quotation, that is better if you can answer us the following questions:

  1. आपकी सामग्री क्या है?? (जैसे रेत, कंकड़, अनाज, power, आदि।)
  2. How much is the hoisting height?
  3. How much is the capacity?
  4. Do you have demands for the buckets material? ( लोहा; प्लास्टिक; स्टेनलेस स्टील).