Cómo producir mortero de mampostería.?

El uso de una planta de fabricación de mortero de albañilería es la mejor manera de producir mortero de albañilería en grandes cantidades. Las fábricas de morteros de albañilería suelen tener su propia línea de producción de morteros de albañilería para la producción en masa..

Aquí están las fotos de la planta de fabricación de mortero de albañilería. Varias materias primas se ponen en el mezclador según la proporción, mezclado completamente, y luego embalado en bolsas para la venta. La automatización de las líneas de producción de mortero de mampostería puede ayudarlo a producir mortero seco en grandes cantidades.


Línea de producción de mortero de albañilería

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What is masonry mortar?

Mortero de albañilería, also called cement mortar or cement grout, is used to join masonry and concrete. It can be made from Portland cement, Lima, y arena. The ratio of these ingredients determines the quality of your masonry mortar.

When you are mixing your mortar, it should be thick enough to hold its shape but thin enough so that it flows easily. Too much water in the mixture will become too runny and won't work well with brick or stone. If there is too little water in the mix, it will be too thick and difficult to use on your masonry project.


Masonry mortar formulations

A reliable formula directly determines the quality and price of masonry mortar.

The formula of masonry mortar needs to be constantly tested, and the use of different masonry mortar formulas also needs to be adjusted; the masonry mortar for aerated blocks and thinly coated masonry mortar the two recipes vary greatly.

Let's take a look at this recipe:

  • 32.5 cemento 250
  • Fly ash 100
  • Arena media 580
  • Methylcellulose ether 0.8
  • Slaked lime powder 70
  • Recipe requirement: M7.5

Seemingly reasonable formula, but after many experiments, we found that the amount of Methylcellulose ether is less, and the water retention needs to be increased.

We can provide a masonry mortar formula for your reference, pero no podemos dar una exacta; su fórmula de mortero de mampostería debe ser considerada por el laboratorio local de acuerdo con la humedad local, temperatura, y otras condiciones.

How to choose a masonry mortar manufacturing plant?

Elegir la línea de producción de mortero de albañilería adecuada puede garantizar la calidad y la eficiencia de sus proyectos de construcción. Aquí hay algunos factores a considerar al tomar su decisión:

1. Production Capacity: Consider the masonry mortar production you need and choose a product line that can handle that volume. You can select the configuration according to your output requirements.

  • If your output is 1-10t/h, then you can choose a small masonry mortar production line, which is a semi-automatic masonry mortar production line using a screw belt mixer and requires manual feeding.
  • If your output is 10t/h or more, you can choose an automatic masonry mortar manufacturing plant using a twin shaft mixer with fully automatic operation.

2. Type of Mortar: Different mortars have different properties and require different production processes. Choose a production line suitable for the cannon you will produce.

3. Equipment Quality: Ensure the equipment is high quality and can produce consistent results.

4. Costo: Consider the cost of the production line and any additional fees such as maintenance, repairs, and operating expenses.

5. Reliable Suppliers: Choose a masonry mortar manufacturing supplier who can provide technical support and after-sales service to ensure the smooth operation and maintenance of the production line.

6. Compatibility: Ensure the production line is compatible with your equipment and infrastructure.

7. Environmental Factors: Consider environmental factors such as emissions and noise levels and choose a masonry mortar production line that meets the relevant regulations.


Should I choose a bag palletizing equipment?

Bag palletizers are very popular these days, and they can help you save labor and improve efficiency. In masonry mortar production lines, palletizers are mainly used to automate the operation of the packaging line, to palletize mortar bags automatically, and to stack finished products in an orderly manner.
If your output reaches 15t/h or more, it is recommended to use a bag palletizer, which can maximize your production efficiency and save labor costs.

How to choose a reliable supplier of masonry mortar manufacturing plant?

Choosing a reliable supplier of masonry mortar-making machines is essential for the success of your project. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a supplier:

1. Reputación: Choose a supplier with a good industry reputation. Check their online reviews, testimonials, and ratings to understand their performance.

2. Experiencia: Look for a supplier with several years of experience designing, fabricación, and installing masonry mortar plants.

3. Calidad: Ensure the equipment provided is high quality and meets your specific needs and requirements.

4. Service: Choose a supplier with good customer service and technical support.

5. Precio: While the price should not be your only consideration, ensure you get good value for your money. Compare prices from different suppliers to make an informed decision.

6. After-sales support: Choose a supplier that offers after-sales support services such as installation, mantenimiento, and repair.

By considering these factors, you can choose a reliable supplier of masonry mortar manufacturing plants that meets your specific needs and requirements while providing high-quality equipment and excellent customer service.

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