Here we show you our shipping site, these machines will be sent to different countries by sea or other transport, here is just a small part, if you would like to know if our machines have a work site in your country, Моля, свържете се с нас.

Успешно инсталиране на четири 1500-тонни силоза за вар в Австралия

от |2024-09-20Т18:02:32+08:0020 юли, 2023|Силоз за цимент, Доставка до света|

Here we show you the successful installation of four 1500 ton lime silos purchased by Australian customer, completed by FUREIN Machinery's specialist lime silo fabrication. The project took 3 months to complete and the entire lime silo foundations were designed and detailed drawings were provided by the FUREIN team from the time the project

200 Тон циментови силози бяха успешно изпратени до Австралия

от |2024-09-21Т18:15:49+08:003 юли, 2023|Силоз за цимент, Доставка до света|

Ускоряване на строителството в Австралия с пристигането на 4 Комплекти от 200 тон Циментови силози Наскоро, professional cement silo manufacturer Furein Machinery delivered 4 sets of 200 tons cement silo to Australia, the picture below is the delivery site. For more successful cement silo cases, Моля, свържете се с нас. BTW, we have more cement silos for sale.

Машина за производство на шпакловка за стени, изнесена в Зимбабве

от |2024-09-26Т16:57:25+08:006 юни, 2023|Инсталации за сухи смеси, Доставка до света, Заводи за производство на шпакловка за стени|

Наскоро, a set of fully automatic wall putty manufacturing machine was exported to Zimbabwe. The main equipment of this wall putty production line includes a mixer, кофичен елеватор, packaging machine and steel frame platform. 2 square double-shaft mixer, about 2 минути на партида, the output can reach 10ton/h. The wall putty manufacturing machine

Tile Bond Manufacturing Plant Will Be Sent To Malaysia Soon

от |2023-06-07T02:51:14+08:00March 9th, 2023|Инсталации за сухи смеси, Доставка до света, Заводи за производство на лепило за плочки|

Tile Bond manufacturing plant, also called tile adhesive making machine, tile bond making machine, it is a machine specializing in the production of various mortars, като прах за замазка, adhesive mortar, ремонтен разтвор, саморазливна замазка, хоросан за зидария, и т.н. The tile adhesive manufacturing machine in the video is small, with an annual output of about

A Small Set Of Dry Mortar Mixing Machine Shipped To Malaysia

от |2023-06-07T03:11:09+08:00September 7th, 2022|Инсталации за сухи смеси, Доставка до света|

We hope your day is going well. We're excited to tell you about our dry mortar mixing machine, which we have shipped to Malaysia. We do not have any middlemen in between, so our price is very competitive. A dry mortar mixing machine is transported in a 20ft container. We thought you might be

Stone Grinding Mill Production Line Will Be Sent To Chile Today

от |2022-07-14T07:08:05+08:00July 14th, 2022|Доставка до света, Каменни електрически мелници|

We are delighted to announce that a set of stone grinding mills will be sent to Chile today. The customer has already purchased the equipment and needs to add a grinding mill and dust collector. Pleased customers choose us. We hope our customers in Chile will have a successful business with our stone grinding

Thermoplastic Road Marking Paint Plant Send To UAE

от |2023-06-07T03:19:19+08:00July 12th, 2022|Доставка до света, Заводи за термопластични бои|

Thermoplastic Road Marking Paint Plant Are Ready Our company Henan Furein Machinery Co., Ltd, has been manufacturing thermoplastic road marking paint plant for a long time. We have recently exported many thermoplastic roads marking paint plants to UAE and other countries. Now we have received an order from our customers to deliver a Thermoplastic

Small Dry Mix Mortar Production Line Shipping to Zambia

от |2023-06-07T03:19:54+08:00July 12th, 2022|Инсталации за сухи смеси, Доставка до света|

We are excited to announce that our small dry mix mortar production line has been shipped and is on its way to Zambia. This morning, it was sunny, which is a good sign for the delivery. The workers loaded the entire production line into containers as planned. We hope everything goes smoothly with this

The Dry Mortar Production Line Is Being Sent To Cote D'lvoire

от |2021-08-15T02:00:06+08:0025 юли, 2020|Инсталации за сухи смеси, Furein News, Доставка до света|

The dry mortar production line is being sent to Cote D’lvoire A dry mortar mixing production line is about to be sent to Côte d’Ivoire. The parts of the dry mortar machine are being loaded into the container. The customer has customized a small dry mortar production line. There is still a lot

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