
FUREIN Machinery Blogs

ВРЪХ 3 Leaders In Modern Dry Mortar Plant & Mining Machinery In China

Как да изберем подходяща сушилня за пясък?

Whether it is river sand salvaged from the river or washed mechanism sand, the moisture content of 5% or more will be configured with a sand dryer machine, effectively improving the quality of the finished sand and selling for

Трипроходна ротационна барабанна сушилня СРЕЩУ еднопроходна ротационна сушилня

Triple Pass Rotary Drum Dryer VS Single Pass Rotary Dryer Furein Machinery is a sand dryer manufacturer with nearly 35 years of production experience, today Furein's engineers will be here to analyze the similarities and differences between triple

Триходова въртяща се барабанна сушилня: Страхотна актуализация на индустриалните технологии

Triple Pass Rotary Drum Dryer Get a quotation Triple Pass Rotary Drum Dryer is a type of industrial dryer commonly used for drying various materials such as sand, биомаса, утайка, дървени стърготини,

Успешно инсталиране на четири 1500-тонни силоза за вар в Австралия

Here we show you the successful installation of four 1500 ton lime silos purchased by Australian customer, completed by FUREIN Machinery's specialist lime silo fabrication. The project took 3 months to complete and the entire lime silo foundations were

Силоз за вар: 5 Неща, които трябва да знаете

Contact us to get a quotation What is a lime silo? A lime silo is a type of silo used for storing lime, where the storage silo is round. Lime is a versatile

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