Wall Putty Making Machine2023-06-07Т08:29:48+08:00

Wall Putty Making Machine

The wall putty making machine can realize automatic mixing and automatic packaging, but the material needs to be weighed in advance manually, put into the feed mouth, and then the material is lifted to the mixer through the screw conveyor.

So the whole wall putty making machine needs 2 рабочых.

We use 3 ribbon putty mixing machines, mixing uniformity can reach 99.8%.

We also designed an observation port on the wall putty making machine for you. When mixing for about five minutes, you can sample and observe the uniformity of the material to find out the best mixing time. Improve your production efficiency.

Атрымайце хуткую прапанову
Dry Mix Mortar Production Line

Wall Putty Making Machine Applications

This wall putty making machine can not only produce wall putty, but also produce bonding mortar, кладкавы раствор, самовыравнивающийся раствор, дэкаратыўны раствор, і гэтак далей.

ceramic tile glue mortar

Ceramic tile glue mortar

masonry mortar

Раствор для мура

self-leveling mortar

Self-leveling mortar

bonding mortar

Склейваючы раствор

Jointing mortar

Раствор для фугавання

мадэль & Parameters

мадэль Total Power Ёмістасць Putty Mixer Mixing Time
FU1-1.5 17.5KW 1-1.5Т/Г LD500 15-20min/batch
FU2-3 19.5KW 2-3Т/Г LD1000 15-20min/batch
FU5-6 24KW 5-6Т/Г LD2000 15-20min/batch
FU6-8 28KW 6-8Т/Г LD3000 15-20min/batch

The above wall putty making machine parameters are for reference only, if you want to get a detailed quotation, калі ласка, пакіньце паведамленне, or click WhatsApp.

Successful Cases of Wall Putty Making Machine

wall putty making machine
wall putty making machine
puttty making machine
wall putty making machine

Packing & Дастаўка

This wall putty making machine is about to be sent to Malawi. As you can see from the picture, except for the main mixer and the screw conveyor, all the other parts are packed in wooden cases, which better protect your machine.

delivery of wall putty making machine
delivery of wall putty making machine

Wall Putty Making Machine: Канчатковае кіраўніцтва з часта задаванымі пытаннямі

так, it's the same machine. It's just called something different.

How about the wall putty manufacturing process?

Below is a flow chart of the wall putty making machine, we can see from the figure, from 2 of your putty powder formula import feed port, through the screw conveyor to ribbon putty mixing machine.

After 3 каб 5 minutes mixing, push discharging button, then automatic discharging, through screw conveyor to the finished product bin.

The finished mortar waiting for the packing, in the end, by the automatic packaging machine packaging into bags.

wall putty manufacturing process

How about a wall putty machine price?

To a certain extent, the price is determined by your budget. Канешне, the more the budget, the higher the degree of automation and the higher the production efficiency. Contact us for a free quote now.

My budget is limited, how can I buy a wall putty making machine with the largest output at the minimum cost?

That's a good question. As a wall putty making machine manufacturer, we are good at customizing all kinds of solutions. Please don't hesitate to contact us now and tell us your requirements and budget.

The following suggested wall putty making machine is the most cost-effective, but its output can reach 6t/h.


What kind of packing machine should we choose for a wall putty making machine?

If your material is small particles, such as mortar, парашок шпаклявання, you can use the impeller type automatic valve port packaging machine, its weighing range is 10kg ~ 50kg, only need manually insert the bags, it can achieve automatic bag back, if your output is large, you can add a belt machine behind, to achieve automatic palletization packaging system.

If your material is poor fluidity of the material, напрыклад, пясок, you can use the airflow of the automatic valve port packaging machine, the output of the impeller valve port packaging machine, can also automatically back the bag, packaging speed is fast, improve production efficiency.

Packing Machine of Tile Adhesive Manufacturing Plant

Is the automatic valve port packing machine equipped with a pneumatic device?

Канешне, an air source is essential. According to the customer's wall putty making machine capacity and the number of valve port packing machines, air compressors are prepared for you, with 0.6m³ and 0.9m³. You do not have to worry about it.

Does the wall putty making machine have a control system?

так, the wall putty making machine also has a power control cabinet, які можа рэалізаваць аўтаматычную падачу, automatic mixing, automatic unloading, and automatic packaging.

It is also called the simple line because the entire wall putty manufacturing process is manually fed, and the additives need to be weighed manually before being put into the putty mixer.

How to choose the dust removal system?

Мы маем 2 types of dust collectors. One is an economical bag dust remover. This is generally used on small dry mix mortar plants. The other is the high-efficiency pulse dust remover, which can collect 99.5% of dust with large air volume and long service life. You can choose the best one according to your needs.

In the material lifting, should we use a screw conveyor or коўшавай элеватар?

If your output requirements are not large, such as 8t/h, we recommend that you use a screw conveyor, because it can help you save costs more under the same output.

If your output requirement is more than 8t/h, we recommend that you use a bucket elevator, because it can better help you increase your output.

If you don't know the choice of plate chain elevator or belt elevator, please leave a message and we will serve you one to one.

Contact us to get a factory price right now!

    Завод для змешвання сухога раствора:Канчатковае кіраўніцтва з часта задаванымі пытаннямі

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