Абсталяванне для палетавання мяшкоў Furein будзе пастаўляцца ў Расію.

Па |2024-06-21Т11:30:21+08:009 студзеня, 2024|Без катэгорыі|

Two sets of bag palletizing equipment shipped to Russia, Furein series bag palletizers are of very reliable quality, they are designed with advanced mechanical structure, and they have the advantages of high stability, high precision, high speed and long service life. The coordinate palletizer is a robotic device that

Прымяненне пнеўматранспарту ў лініі па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў

Па |2023-09-28T15:24:43+08:0028 верасня, 2023|Без катэгорыі|

Pneumatic conveying uses airflow energy to convey granular materials along the airflow direction in a closed pipe, a specific application of fluidization technology. The structure of a pneumatic conveying device is simple, easy to operate, can be used for the horizontal, vertical, or inclined direction of transportation in the process of conveying can also

Трохпраходная ротарная барабанная сушылка: Выдатнае абнаўленне прамысловых тэхналогій

Па |2024-09-20Т17:24:17+08:003 жніўня, 2023|Машыны для сушкі пяску, Без катэгорыі|

Triple Pass Rotary Drum Dryer Get a quotation Triple Pass Rotary Drum Dryer is a type of industrial dryer commonly used for drying various materials such as sand, біямаса, асадак, драўняная дранка, пілавінне, і іншыя сельскагаспадарчыя і прамысловыя адходы. It is characterized by its three concentric cylinders

Dry Mortar Mixing Machine:Cycloid Reducer vs. Gear Reducer

Па |2023-06-07T03:21:44+08:00July 7th, 2022|Заводы па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў, Без катэгорыі|

The reducers used in dry mortar mixing machines mainly include planetary cyclo reducer and gear reducer. Although both reducers can function to reduce the speed and increase the torque, their working principle is different, and the price is also very different. Both reducers used in dry mortar mixing machines have their advantages and disadvantages.

How To Deal With Material Backflow During Screw Conveyor Conveying

Па |2022-07-01Т08:08:06+08:00June 30th, 2022|Без катэгорыі|

In a dry mix mortar plant, horizontal paddle and screw ribbon mixers are generally used. This dry mortar mixer is equipped with a hoist, which adopts a screw conveyor and is designed with a feeding port, which is convenient for feeding. During installation, the ground is generally excavated. The pit, the feeding port, is

What You Need To Be Aware Of About Pulse Dust Collector

Па |2022-04-12Т10:50:20+08:0012 красавіка, 2022|Без катэгорыі|

The pulse dust collector is more efficient than the pulse bag dust collector. The correct use of pulse dust collectors can effectively increase the life of pulse dust collectors, prolong the working time, and save more costs. DMC12 Pulse Dust Collector Machine Equipment size: 1040x700x3460mm Air volume: 2664-5268m3/h Dust bag number:

Sand Washer

Па |2021-12-22T03:08:04+08:00December 17th, 2021|Без катэгорыі|

The sand washer is the necessary equipment used with the sand making machine. The sand washer can wash away the stone powder and impurities from the mixed sand produced by the sand making machine, so as to improve the quality of the sand. It can also clean dirt and sundries in sand and stone,

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