Вытворчае прадпрыемства Tile Bond, also called машына для вырабу пліткавага клею, машына для склейвання пліткі, гэта машына, якая спецыялізуецца на вытворчасці розных мінамётаў, напрыклад парашок для шпаклявання, клеевой раствор, рамонтны раствор, самовыравнивающийся раствор, кладкавы раствор, г.д. Машына для вырабу пліткавага клею на відэа невялікая, з гадавой прадукцыяй каля 30,000 тон.
We are a leading manufacturer of tile bond/adhesive manufacturing plant. We have exported our products to many countries including the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and so on. You can contact us freely if you want to know more details about our products.

We can provide a tile bond manufacturing plant and other dry mix mortar production lines. The manufacturing plant has the advantages of high efficiency, высокая якасць, and low price.
The quality of the product is very important, so we have strict control over each step, from material selection to the production process. We use advanced equipment to ensure that all products meet national standards, ensuring you get a perfect tile bond manufacturing plant with high efficiency, нізкае энергаспажыванне, and high output every time.
FUREIN Machinery can provide tile bond manufacturing plants and other dry mortar manufacturing plants. The manufacturing plant has the advantages of high efficiency, высокая якасць, and low price. Don't hesitate to contact us if you are interested in our tile bond/adhesive manufacturing plant.