Thermoplastic Road Marking Paint Plant Send To UAE

Па |2023-06-07T03:19:19+08:00July 12th, 2022|Дастаўка па свеце, Заводы па афарбоўцы тэрмапластычных фарбаў|

Thermoplastic Road Marking Paint Plant Are Ready Our company Henan Furein Machinery Co., ТАА, has been manufacturing thermoplastic road marking paint plant for a long time. We have recently exported many thermoplastic roads marking paint plants to UAE and other countries. Now we have received an order from our customers to deliver a Thermoplastic

Small Dry Mix Mortar Production Line Shipping to Zambia

Па |2023-06-07T03:19:54+08:00July 12th, 2022|Заводы па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў, Дастаўка па свеце|

We are excited to announce that our small dry mix mortar production line has been shipped and is on its way to Zambia. This morning, it was sunny, which is a good sign for the delivery. The workers loaded the entire production line into containers as planned. We hope everything goes smoothly with this

The Dry Mortar Production Line Is Being Sent To Cote D'lvoire

Па |2021-08-15T02:00:06+08:0025 ліпеня, 2020|Заводы па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў, Фурэйн Навіны, Дастаўка па свеце|

The dry mortar production line is being sent to Cote D’lvoire A dry mortar mixing production line is about to be sent to Côte d’Ivoire. The parts of the dry mortar machine are being loaded into the container. The customer has customized a small dry mortar production line. There is still a lot

3T/H машына для вытворчасці сухіх раствораў у Мексіку

Па |2021-08-15T02:00:47+08:0030 сакавіка, 2020|Заводы па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў, Фурэйн Навіны, Дастаўка па свеце|

A Set of 3T/H Dry Mix Mortar Machine To Mexico Simple dry mix mortar machine is always very popular. The output is 1-8t/h. The production line capacity is 3t/h, which is being loaded into containers and shipped to Mexico by sea soon. If you want to learn

Дастаўка пясочнасушыльнай устаноўкі ў Аўстралію

Па |2021-08-15T02:01:40+08:0013 сакавіка, 2020|Заводы па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў, Фурэйн Навіны, Машыны для сушкі пяску, Дастаўка па свеце|

A set of sand drying plant sold to Australia The sand dryer is the soul of the whole production line, other accessories are also essential. The main shipping list is as follows: Name Number Wet sand storage bin 1 set Disc feeder 1 set Dry sand belt

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