У вас ёсць праект, з якім мы можам дапамагчы??

Атрымайце бясплатную цану

Successful cases: Furein Machinery will show you a variety of successful cases here, у тым ліку сухіх мінамётных заводаў выпадкаў, sand drying plant cases, stone crushing plant cases, г.д., together to witness Furein strength. Helping you to improve production efficiency and reduce costs is what Furein has been pursuing. Furein Machinery specialize in providing you with turnkey solutions to make your production easier!


6-8 Лінія па вытворчасці пліткавага клею T/H

6-8 t/h tile adhesive production line in Malaysia This production line is exported to Malaysia, гэта невялікая лінія па вытворчасці пліткавага клею, можа забяспечыць прадукцыйнасць 6-8 т/г. Гэта ў цяперашні час


Тэмапластычны завод фарбаў для дарожнай разметкі

Themoplastic Road Marking Paint Plant Hot melt reflective marking paint/ thermoplastic coating paint production line. Themoplastic Road Marking Paint Plant Hot melt reflective marking paint/ thermoplastic coating paint


Лінія па вытворчасці цеплаізаляцыйных раствораў

Thermal Insulation Mortar Production Line Specializing in the production of thermal insulation mortar, шкловатыя пацеркі, г.д. Thermal Insulation Mortar Production Line Specializing in the production of thermal insulation


Лінія па вытворчасці сухога раствора

DRY MORTAR PRODUCTION LINE Real Top 10 Кітайскія пастаўшчыкі для лініі па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў. Лінія па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў. Топ 10 Кітайскія пастаўшчыкі сухіх раствораў


Завод па вытворчасці пліткавага клею

TILE ADHESIVE MANUFACTURING PLANT Professional production of tile adhesive , гэта ваш ідэальны выбар. TILE ADHESIVE MANUFACTURING PLANT Professional production of tile adhesive , гэта ваша


Машына для вытворчасці шпатлёўкі

WALL PUTTY MANUFACTURING MACHINE Capacity at 1-100t/h, аўтаматызаваная вытворчая лінія, высокая аддача. WALL PUTTY MANUFACTURING MACHINE Capacity at 1-100t/h, аўтаматызаваная вытворчая лінія, высокая аддача.

Why choose Furein Machinery?

  • 34 гады вопыту: Furein Machinery began in 1990, has been in the construction machinery field constantly deep plowing, more than three decades have been researching and innovating production technology, and many times won a number of patents, products through CE certification, currently employs more than 300 people, у тым ліку больш чым 150 professional and technical personnel, больш чым 50 інжынераў, with more than 20 sets of large and medium-sized modern machining and assembly equipment. Furein Machinery has the ability to provide you with good quality products at low prices, but also can help you looking for the products you need, no one knows the Chinese market better than us.
  • Customized solutions: according to your needs, tailor-made production line, from drawing design to installation services, one-on-one guidance.
  • Perfect service: Provide installation, debugging, training and other full range of services, so that you have no worries about production.
  • Detailed case page: You can click the case card to jump to the detailed case page.
  • If you need more detailed customized service, please feel free to contact Furein Team!

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