Блогі аб машынах FUREIN
TOP 3 Leaders In Modern Dry Mortar Plant & Mining Machinery In China
200 Тона цэментнага бункера: Што вы павінны ведаць
200 ton cement silo for sale Furein Machinery is not just any manufacturer of cement silos; we are the premier and leading provider of high-quality cement silos in the industry. With years of experience and
200 Тоны цэментных бункераў паспяхова адпраўлены ў Аўстралію
Australian Construction Boost with Arrival of 4 Sets of 200 ton Cement Silos Recently, professional cement silo manufacturer Furein Machinery delivered 4 sets of 200 tons cement silo to Australia, the picture below is the delivery site. For more
Why is your screw conveyor slow to feed?
Why is your screw conveyor slow to feed? Here's a choice question for you (multiple choices allowed): Reasons for slow feeding of screw conveyor ( ) А. Arching of powder tank material B. Insufficient material in
Sensors For Dry Mortar Production Line
Application of sensors in the dry mortar production line The market dry mortar production line is developed from mechanical operation to intelligent control through PLC. In the dry mortar production process, according to the different needs of customers, a
Dry Mortar Mix Ratio :A Variety Of Dry Mortar Mix Ratios For Your Reference
Dry mortar mix ratio refers to the mixing of cement, пясок, water and additives in proportion in construction. Common types include plaster mortar, кладкавы раствор, парашок шпаклявання, bonding mortar, г.д. Dry mortar mix ratio often varies due to different
Машына для вытворчасці шпатлёўкі для сцен экспартуецца ў Зімбабвэ
Recently, a set of fully automatic wall putty manufacturing machine was exported to Zimbabwe. The main equipment of this wall putty production line includes a mixer, коўшавай элеватар, packaging machine and steel frame platform. 2 square double-shaft mixer, about