Пра Сіндзі

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So far Сіндзі has created 101 blog entries.

Stone Grinding Mill Production Line Will Be Sent To Chile Today

Па |2022-07-14Т07:08:05+08:00July 14th, 2022|Дастаўка па свеце, Каменныя жорны|

We are delighted to announce that a set of stone grinding mills will be sent to Chile today. The customer has already purchased the equipment and needs to add a grinding mill and dust collector. Pleased customers choose us. We hope our customers in Chile will have a successful business with our stone grinding

Лінія па вытворчасці тэрмапластычнай фарбы для дарожнай разметкі - The Ultimate Guide

Па |2023-06-07T03:18:29+08:00July 13th, 2022|Заводы па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў, Заводы па афарбоўцы тэрмапластычных фарбаў|

What is a thermoplastic road marking paint production line? A thermoplastic road marking paint production line is the set of equipment to produce road marking paint. As the critical equipment, the thermoplastic road marking paint plant can provide a fully automatic production line with high working speed and good performance. The

Thermoplastic Road Marking Paint Plant Send To UAE

Па |2023-06-07T03:19:19+08:00July 12th, 2022|Дастаўка па свеце, Заводы па афарбоўцы тэрмапластычных фарбаў|

Thermoplastic Road Marking Paint Plant Are Ready Our company Henan Furein Machinery Co., ТАА, has been manufacturing thermoplastic road marking paint plant for a long time. We have recently exported many thermoplastic roads marking paint plants to UAE and other countries. Now we have received an order from our customers to deliver a Thermoplastic

Small Dry Mix Mortar Production Line Shipping to Zambia

Па |2023-06-07T03:19:54+08:00July 12th, 2022|Заводы па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў, Дастаўка па свеце|

We are excited to announce that our small dry mix mortar production line has been shipped and is on its way to Zambia. This morning, it was sunny, which is a good sign for the delivery. The workers loaded the entire production line into containers as planned. We hope everything goes smoothly with this

Dry Mortar Mixing Machine:Cycloid Reducer vs. Gear Reducer

Па |2023-06-07T03:21:44+08:00July 7th, 2022|Заводы па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў, Без катэгорыі|

The reducers used in dry mortar mixing machines mainly include planetary cyclo reducer and gear reducer. Although both reducers can function to reduce the speed and increase the torque, their working principle is different, and the price is also very different. Both reducers used in dry mortar mixing machines have their advantages and disadvantages.

Розніца паміж паўаўтаматычнай і аўтаматычнай устаноўкай для вытворчасці сухіх раствораў

Па |2022-07-07Т07:50:20+08:00July 7th, 2022|Заводы па вытворчасці сухіх раствораў|

Semi-automatic dry mix mortar plant The semi-automatic dry mix mortar plant is called the standard dry mix mortar production line. It adopts manual batching, manual feeding, automatic feeding, automatic stirring, automatic discharging and automatic packaging. Since manual batching and manual feeding are required in the early stage, it is called a semi-automatic dry mortar

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